During Production Inspection (DUPRO)

Quality Technology Consultancy Services (QTCS)

During Production Inspection (DUPRO)

  • Workmanship
  • Production situation
  • Quantity of finished products
  • Style & colors
  • Artworks & labels
  • Dimensions & weight
  • Shipping marks
  • Packing & packaging
  • Tests (including tests on product function, performance, durability and safety)
  • Client’s requirements

What is a During Production Inspection ?

  • During production or DUPRO inspections are conducted to ensure production quality control when associating with a new manufacturing plant. During production inspections allow buyers to find and address the root cause of defects as they’re occurring so they are corrected immediately. These defects, therefore, do not appear in the final product. During Production Inspection (DPI) refers to the inspection of products during the production process. This is done when 20% to 40% of the product has been manufactured and is being packaged for export.

Why Need During Production Inspection

  • DPI is an important part of supply chain and production quality control. It pinpoints defects and safety hazards in your products
    even as the production process continues. It also ensures consistency in styles, labels and packaging. DPI in factories enables
    to resolve product issues immediately, thus avoiding expensive costs and waste of time due to rework.